
Showing posts from October, 2017


At least three billion population who are at the bottom of the pyramid need literacy. Educating these under masses need serious attention by the the different nations. There has been no serious result oriented effort by even UN. Besides making UN Millenium goals where education is discussed, UN is yet to make serious efforts. Africa and Asia are the target groups which requires serious action plan and attention. It must be a time and resource based effort to educate all the people across globe with serious government commitment using E-learning. There are lots of educational resources and assessments available which needs to be used to educate global masses. This will require helps of NGO across globe. In fifteen to twenty years time frame this initiative will bear its fruits.


Education through E-learning to Indian rural masses is an achievable challenge. India needs a time span of 10 years to implement it. The aim should be to use best MOOC based ready e-learning resources already available in sachets of 8 hours series to be used on weekly mode in a structured manner with the aim of deliverable output of such learning. This is possible when the government shows initiative to deliver it to the rural masses. If you survey in the market there are plenty of good academic resources available which needs to be picked and vetted. At the village panchayat level these courses are to be delivered through pen-drives. There will be either two 4 hours sessions on the weekend to working rural class. On weekdays there can be 4 days session of 2 hours each for the women, children and senior citizens. Where there is a will there is the way. This can be piloted and based on the success after further improvements this can be replicated in the given state and then t

Educating 1.3 billion in India.......

Education to all is more or less is a political propganda. In reality no government since independence has taken a serious view. In order to have 1.3 billion literates, there must be not only will but out of box initiative. This means using technology to educate is only quick and serious effort. You can have e-learning initiatives to teach all the country's population across each age group. You need to have literacy strategy for nursery, K12, Higher education, Professional education, Vocational education, Women education, Old age literacy. Literacy won't mean only passing school grades but it will talk about how to use digitisation, understand government programs, understanding India, using banks and post office and skills which make people employable. Aim of education should be making people employable with skills required to complete the tasks. All these initiatives will create rise in the economic growth of the nation. Education will be the game changer. Positive attitud

Education System and Job Policy Both on Ventilator....

India's higher education System is a catastrophe because it is not properly linked to the practical job oriented learning.It produces graduates who don't have hands on experience the norms of AICTE and other bodies are poor.In case of such scenario these graduates are not suitable for jobs. They  requires res killing. Hence both education and employ ability is  on ventilator.

Types of Networks: LAN, WAN, WLAN, MAN, SAN, PAN, EPN & VPN.

there are several different types of computer networks. Computer networks can be characterized by their size as well as their purpose. The size of a network can be expressed by the geographic area they occupy and the number of computers that are part of the network. Networks can cover anything from a handful of devices within a single room to millions of devices spread across the entire globe. Some of the different networks based on size are: Personal area network, or PAN Local area network, or LAN Metropolitan area network, or MAN Wide area network, or WAN One way to categorize the different types of computer network designs is by their scope or scale. For historical reasons, the networking industry refers to nearly every type of design as some kind of  area network . Common types of area networks are: LAN -  Local Area Network WAN - Wide Area Network WLAN -  Wireless Local Area Network MAN - Metropolitan Area Ne

The future of robotics

                                              The future of robotics What does the future hold for robotics ? It's hard to say, given the rapid pace of change in the field as well as in associated areas such as machine learning and artificial intelligence . But one thing seems certain: Robots will play an increasingly important role in business and life in general. In the era of globalization, the cost of using the labor is being reduced by the uses of robot both at home and in factory. Robot has come as a solution of effective and error free labor employed in the multiple alternative usages. Robot is alternative human with no emotion who can work better than man and has no fatigue. Robot is very popular in USA and Japan. It is now taught in school education because conceptual knowledge is increased using its knowledge . Decision making skills and ability to think out of box using mathematics, science and management is increased multifold. Now the country is